Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Compare Van Insurance -- 6 Tips for Saving on Van Insurance

Tip #1 - Go Through a Broker - While shopping around yourself is great, if you are not able to you may want to get your insurance through a broker to compare van insurance for you. They can help you compare a variety of different companies so you can find the company that offers the best deal on business insurance. The great thing is that you will not have to do this on your own time. If you decide to use a broker, make sure that they have a great reputation and understand the type of business insurance needs you have.

Tip #2 - Fill Out Paperwork Accurately - Always be sure that you are totally honest when filling out your information for insurance companies. Information that you do not disclose could actually make your business insurance higher at a later time. Even if you just get a small dent while you are in a parking lot, it is better to let your insurance company know right away.

Tip #3 - Be Sure You Have Enough Coverage - You always want to be sure that you have enough coverage and that you have the correct coverage. When it comes to business insurance, there are some things that can be quite confusing, so if you do not understand something be sure to talk to the insurance company or to the insurance broker to clear up your questions. Getting the right coverage now can save you a great deal of money later.

Tip #4 - Keep Your Vehicles on Secure Premises - Almost all insurance companies will offer you a discount if your vehicles are kept on secure premises. In fact, some insurance companies may not even want to cover you if your vehicles are not in a secure place. This may include a garage or a fenced in area. Before you purchase your business insurance, find out what the company requires when it comes to security so you can save the most money possible.

Tip #5 - Carry All Policies with One Company - Having all of your policies with one company will not only make them all easier to keep track of, but it will also save you some money. Most companies will offer you a discount if you have more than one policy with them. Ask about this type of a discount before making up your mind.

Tip #6 - Remember that Cheaper is Not Always Better - Sure, you want to find the best price possible so compare van insurance, but the cheaper policy may not always be the best one. When considering policies you need to make sure that you find the policy that will give you the best coverage for the best price, instead of just finding the cheapest policy possible.

Peter Fitzpatrick is a Marketing Professional for many of the UK's Leading Commercial Insurance companies. With 20 years worth of commercial insurance experience, for companies including: Norwich Union, Churchill and Zurich. To learn more on compare van insurance visit his website Blog6066
Celeste Blog91039

Tooth Whitening Portland

It is astounding how an absolutely simple procedure such as zoom teeth whitening can have on your appearance in public. Having clean, beautiful and an amazing smile is a key factor to a great smile and is essential to your appearance and it is safe to say that this can lead to many doors both professionally and personally! If you' re looking for excellent Portland tooth whitening I would suggest heading down to DR. Keith Nortons Dental Practice in Milwaukee to get the best look from your teeth!

Portland tooth whitening is one of the most popular procedures in the field of cosmetic dentistry today. A lot of people are realizing how a simple procedure can lead to great and amazing things. People can easily understand how important first impressions are. If you do have a set of beautiful, luminous teeth it will definitely boost your self confidence and give you a higher sense of self-esteem.

Dr. Keith Norton has been providing Zoom teeth whitening for many years in the Portland area, and still remains amazed that Portland zoom tooth whitening can make wonders and boost anyone's personal and professional life. Dr. Keith Norton's cosmetic dentistry practice, the Zoom Teeth Whitening System, as seen on TV's popular The Extreme Makeover Show, is utilized. The Zoom teeth whitening system means the application of gel onto your teeth. Light is then shone onto the teeth to activate it. When this is activated, tooth-stains will be removed. With Zoom teeth whitening in the Portland area, your teeth CAN become eight shades whiter!

The Zoom Teeth Whitening System is excellent and you can apply it yourself in both your own home and even an office!
Johnny Rogers Is a Tooth Cleansing Expert based in the Portland Area. Feel free to visit http://www.Portland-Tooth-Whitening.infoAllene Blog60789
Carita Blog53472

How Spammers Obtain Your Email Address And Why They Send Spam

You probably know that Spam is unsolicited and undesired e-mail message. Spammers are the people who send Spam. Spam is a serious problem. It is important today as never before because almost every other email message we receive is Spam. So, the question arises how spammers get your email address and why they send you Spam. Spammers can obtain your email address in three ways.

One way is to guess a mailbox name for a publicly listed domain name. Many organizations have the email addresses where the first part of the email address is a general word such as info, sales, accounts, support, etc. People often use the email addresses beginning with their first name, for example, John, Sandra, Julia. Spammers simply put the first names before the @ symbol followed by a domain name, and get possible email addresses.

Secondly, spammers can gather email addresses from the Internet. They use programs that search web pages looking for email addresses. If there is your contact email address in your web site, or if the email address is embedded into your profile, your email address will be obtained by spammers.

The third way to get your email address is to buy email lists. Some dishonest companies can make money by selling the customers information to spammers. Spammers can also bribe unscrupulous employees of companies to get a copy of the email list.

Once spammers got a list of the victims email addresses, they start spamming. They do it to make money. In general, there are two kinds of spam messages:

1.Offering trashy and fraudulent goods or services (e.g. Viagra, Cialis, medications, fake Rolexes, software programs, etc.)

2.Stock scams working on Pump and dump schemes. Spammers encourage you to invest in a particular company's stock, in order to quickly inflate its value and enable the spammers to make a fast profit.

By sending their undesired messages spammers have for an object to contact thousands or even millions people in the hope to hit one or a few dolts who actually will buy their crappy products. No dolts, no spam. But out of a million people, you will always find one or two.

Most of the Internet protocols that computers use to talk to each other are anonymous. Your email server thinks that any email server connecting to it over the Internet is giving its name properly and that the email it sends is legitimate. Spammers abuse this trust relationship to send you their garbage. The Internet protocols cannot be changed in a moment so we need another solution to the problem of spam.

Legislative attempts produced no effect. Its not easy to track a spammer located in USA sending spam using a mail server from Russia to mailboxes in Australia. Spammers are also known to use Trojans to hijack ones computer and make that person send spam on behalf of the spammer. The victim doesnt even guess about it. These people would be caught up in any comprehensive Spam legislation.

However that may be you can take some measures to protect your inbox against spam flow by yourself. There is a wide choice of anti-spam products available on the Internet. You only have to choose the right one to block Spam before it reaches your inbox. There is no guarantee that you will get absolutely no Spam but at least you will reduce its amount.

Julia Gulevich is a technical expert associated with development of computer software like AATools, G-Lock EasyMail, Spam Blocker More information can be found at Anti Spam Filter Resources Blog57534
Beryle Blog45590

Questions to Help You Pick a Focus to Accomplish 20 Times as Much

A mistake that many people make is to focus on relatively unimportant activities in creating 2,000 percent solutions (ways of accomplishing 20 times as much with the same time, effort, and resources). Why not gain as much benefit from your efforts as possible?

Now, let's look at questions to help you achieve great results. I suggest that you jot down your answers. These notes will be helpful to you when you repeat the eight step process in the future by reminding you of what you did and did not consider.

1. What activities in your organization have the most positive impact on total profits now?

For a mining company, the answer may be reducing the cost of raw materials by extracting the lowest cost ore first. For a manufacturing company, the answer may lie in avoiding costly errors in its products so that rework and warranty costs are avoided. For a wholesaler, the answer may lie in purchasing the lowest cost items and being able to keep those goods in stock with low inventory levels. For a brokerage firm, it may be interesting clients in trading more frequently in profitable ways for the clients and the firm.

2. What activities in your organization will have the most impact on total profits five years from now?

For the mining company, the answer may be locating new sources of lower cost ore. For the manufacturing company, the answer will often lie in redesigning products and developing new products that are less expensive to make and cause fewer errors in producing. For the wholesaler, the answer may lie in creating new computer systems that allow for more efficient purchasing and management of inventory. For a brokerage firm, the opportunity may be adding new services and increasing the value of existing services to attract more profitable clients and retain them longer.

3. In which of these activities do you suspect that some of your organization's efforts are much more productive than the least effective efforts?

Although you cannot know until you measure, you have probably observed differences in performance or heard stories that lead you to believe that there are differences in some areas. These differences may occur from individual to individual (such as how rapidly and correctly transactions are processed), office to office among people doing the same function (such as regional sales and administrative operations), or from plant to plant producing the same item.

4. What measurements already exist that could help you identify the size and value of these differences in performance?

Convenient measurements may not be readily available for this purpose, but could be assembled to help you understand differences. For instance, you may have individual productivity by employee in some performance areas. Those individual data could be combined to determine if office by office productivity differs. That measurement would help because it could identify superior management practices in some locations that are not performed in other locations. Many people assume that such measurements only exist in accounting, information technology and manufacturing functions. Be sure to also ask people who work in the activities that interest you. You may be pleasantly surprised to find out that there are other measurements in place that you have never seen.

5. What measurements could you inexpensively add for other high value opportunities where you have no information about relative performance now?

Talk with those who would have to be involved in making the new measurements to learn their ideas about what can be done easily and inexpensively. Then, take a little time to make these measurements on a one-time basis. Later you can decide if it is worth continuing these new measurements.

6. What do your existing measurements already suggest are the greatest differences in the value of performance?

In looking at this question, you should be sure to consider the economic impact of differences in performance as well as the percentage size of the differences in performance. For example, your most productive salesperson may be selling 50 times as much as the least productive. But if everyone operated at that level, you might only save one percent of revenues. If everyone matched your most productive design engineer in finding less costly and more valuable ways to redesign existing products and design new ones, you might save as much as five percent of revenues. Obviously, the latter alternative would be the one to work on first assuming that all else is equal.

7. Where do you think that the greatest value differences in performance are among areas where you have no measurements available?

8. How hard will it be to make improvements in performance in the most valuable opportunity activities identified in questions 6 and 7?

When answering this question, you need to consider difficulty, risk of not succeeding, cost of working on the problem compared to what you can afford and how long you can expect it to take in the worst case. Many such changes are difficult. The most challenging are those performance areas where people have to change their long-held habits and beliefs. Don't rely solely on your own judgment in answering this question. Speak with those who work in those areas as well as outside experts who have helped organizations improve performance in these areas.

9. What area of performance improvement should be your top priority?

My suggestion is that you pick an area with a high payoff which can probably be improved rapidly with fewer resources and risk than other activities you are considering. Be sure to consider the potential enthusiasm with which those who will need to change will probably view the necessary adjustments. If in doubt, pick the activity where enthusiasm is highest for the needed changes.

Copyright 2007 Donald W. Mitchell, All Rights Reserved

Donald Mitchell is chairman and CEO of Mitchell and Company, a strategy and financial consulting firm in Weston, MA. He is coauthor of six books including The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution, The 2,000 Percent Solution, The Portable 2,000 Percent Solution, and The 2,000 Percent Solution Workbook. You can read about his work on improving effectiveness and find free excerpts from The 2,000 Percent Solution at: .Ainslee Blog64960
Bamby Blog38287

Training For Security In Todays Computer World

Security training and certification will not only help keep students safe online, but gives them just one more certification to add to their resume to make them more marketable to potential employers. These certifications and the security knowledge that comes with them are quickly becoming something that anyone who uses computers on a day to day basis cannot afford to be without. Having a basic working knowledge of security is the first step in keeping your computer, your identity, your personal information, and even your family safe online.

Security is a word that is catching up with people who rely on computer systems to keep operations and businesses running. Today, the average worker signs an acceptable use policy which is part of a large computer security policy, and they are responsible for any misuse and damage caused on computer resources. Some companies offer training to raise awareness of the employees in regards to computer security, but some other companies prefer to hire workers who have already acquired security related credentials. There is definitely a need for workers who know the basics of security already. These types of employees bring a great value to a company with less downtime and fewer security lapses.

Average employees need a basic core knowledge of security to distinguish between the legitimate and malevolent practices. They will then be armed with knowledge which can complement a system administrators security safeguards. Parents, teachers, and students can also use these techniques to guard their home computers, their families, and their intellectual properties. Those who bank online, pay utility bills online, shop online, and have children chatting online can all use these security resources to help protect them. The training will help students protect themselves against identity theft, credit card fraud, online phishing scams, viruses, and backdoors, as well as email hoaxes, sexual predators, and loss of confidential information.

There are of course more specific courses available for employees, like these available at There are specific courses for Microsoft security training, Integrated E-Business Solutions, Citrix security courses, and Cisco security training. Unitek is, in fact the only company in the United States to achieve dual status as a Microsoft Gold Partner for Learning and Integrated E-Business Solutions and Cisco Learning Partner.

In addition to offering free mini bootcamps, there are courses available in the systems mentioned above, and Vendor Neutral Security Training, NETAPP, Linux, CompTIA, JAVA, Open Standards, and Sun Solaris.

Shannon MargolisAndriette Blog56677
Barbabra Blog49206

Distance Learning Schools

If you are seeking a way to improve your financial outlook through higher education, but can't conform to a traditional college class schedule, Distance Learning Schools may be just the ticket you need to achieve your goals. Many working adults prefer the flexibility and pace of distance learning to the rigid structure found at many campus-based schools.

When most people think of Distance Learning, they think of online colleges. Distance Learning is widely available over the Internet, and sometimes through mail-order services as well. The flexible educational path offered by online schools can help students to gain a complete education that can enhance employability and income potential. They also impart necessary technological skills needed for many jobs. Students are able to study in their own environment in their spare time to earn degrees ranging from professional certification to associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate degrees.

Students will find highly skilled professionals teaching extensive classes online, offering the accessibility and freedom that working adults desire while taking college-level courses. Furthermore, instructors at Distance Learning Schools routinely interact with students, providing necessary feedback and individual student assessments. Thus, students can obtain a professional degree or certification in their own homes, at their own convenience, and without the hassles of commuting to class.

Meeting the needs of stay-at-home-parents, working people, and retirees, the courses offered by Distance Learning Schools can easily be completed via a computer with an Internet connection. One needs only to download assignments, listen to online lectures (or read lecture transcripts), study for exams, and complete and submit projects in a reasonable time frame. Most schools require at least 12-15 hours of study per week, but students can spend more time to complete their studies in a shorter period of time.

Because online colleges and universities vary in curriculums, the student should carefully review course guidelines before enrollment to determine which types of certification or degree programs are available. For those needing help with tuition costs, some Distance Learning Schools may participate in financial assistance programs (such as the Pell Grant), and other student loan services.

If you're seeking new skills to start a new career, or you'd like to enhance your personal marketability, or you're simply thirsty for more knowledge, distance learning schools may be a valuable option for you. Whatever the case may be, Distance Learning can provide you with the advantages you need to succeed and achieve overall personal and professional satisfaction.

If you are interested in learning more about Distance Learning Schools and other programs of study, please search our site for more information and resources.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.

Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc., in association with Visit our Distance Learning Directory and find Distance Learning Schools, Online Schools and other Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Trade Schools at; your educational resource to locate schools.Celia Blog67398
Bess Blog91982

How To Refinish A Vinyl Or Tile Foor Using Floor Finish.

The following procedure is for reapplying coats to an already finished floor or applying finish to a new floor. When finishing a new floor always follow the manufacturers recommendations for prepping the floor. You should always consult the flooring manufacturer on the types of finishes that are suited to your floor. When finishing any floor we recommend that you use a quality floor finish that is correctly matched to your flooring. Our online floor finishing procedures are the general guidelines for finishing a floor. These days floor finish has become the alternative to old fashioned waxes. Floor finish can give a floor a great long lasting shine without the problems of conventional waxes.


Make sure that your floor has been prepared for finishing. Clean the floor removing as much dirt and debris as possible. If the floor has more than 5 coats of finish we recommend stripping the floor first. Too many layers of finish can dull a floor. Over time floor finish can yellow in color, if you see any yellowing on the floor we also recommend that you strip the floor first.

After the floor has been prepared, vacuum or dust mop the floor to remove any dust. We recommend that you spray your dust mop with dust mop treatment to remove as much dust as possible. Make sure to remove anything stuck to the floor, anything that is on the floor when you finish it will become part of the floor finish and you will have to strip your floor and begin again.

Make sure that the floor are you are finishing does not and will not have traffic moving through it for at least 12 - 24 hours depending on the type of finish that your are applying (see floor finish manufacturers specifications for curing and drying time). Use warning signs to make sure the area where you are finishing is marked out so that everyone is aware of the area.

Finishing a floor requires the use of two mop buckets. One bucket will be used to keep the finish mop damp and the other will be used to apply the floor finish. Line the floor finish bucket with a clear trash can liner so that you can dispose of the finish easily after the job is complete.

Fill one mop bucket 1/2 way up with water and the lined mop bucket 1/4 full with floor finish. Dip your finish mop into the water bucket and wring until the mop is damp and water does not drip from the end. Next, dip the damp mop into the floor finish and wring until the finish mop does not drip.

The best way to finish floors is to divide the floor into sections to assure that an even amount of floor finish is applied everywhere. Begin applying the floor finish at the furthest corner from the entrance. Apply floor finish to the baseboard area first (a block applicator can be a great tool for this job) working away from the corner. Make sure the floor finish is going on to the floor in a thin even coat.

After you have applied floor finish to the baseboard move on to the open areas of the floor. Move the mop head in a figure eight motion overlapping mopping sections by about an inch.

After you have applied the finish evenly to the entire area, let the floor dry. The floor should look glossy with no raised areas or drip marks. Follow the floor finish manufacturers recommendations for drying time. Depending on the floor finish you may wish to apply more than one coat of floor finish, if so, let the floor dry in between coats. You may also want to buff the floor in between coats so that the second coat adheres better to the first coat.

To maintain the new look of the floor finish you can burnish with a burnishing floor pad, again see the manufacturers recommendations for maintenance on your floor.

After 12 hours your floor should be fully cured. Floor traffic can now resume.

Lee Harris is an expert in the cleaning industry and can answer all your questions about soap and soap dispesners.Beatrisa Blog48034
Cam Blog46974

Taste the Different Flavours of Secured Loan

Secured loans are also known by another name that is, homeowner loans. If you are in need of finance and you are a homeowner, then secured loan can be the best option for finance. Secured loan enables you to determine the value of your house in times of difficulty.

Secured loan provides the lender a form of security that in case if the borrower makes defaults, still he can recover his money by means of collateral placed. In secured loan the lender allows the borrower to borrow large amount and with comparatively low rate of interest. Usually, the amount which gets approved for the secured loan is less than or equals to equity in the collateral. Usually, in secured loans you can borrow more than ₤25000. This is the reason as to why secured loans are more popular than unsecured loans.

Secured loan, being a most common loan is provided by almost all the lenders. Even, an online lender also provides secured loan as per the need of the borrower. And, it is seen that the online lenders provide secured loan on competitive rate of interest as compared to the lenders in the physical market.

Commonly it is said that the secured loans are risky as they carry risk of repossession. Such risk arises on the occasion of non payment of any monthly instalment. But if the borrower manages secured loan properly and meet all the repayments on time then, they are considered as the best and cheap source of finance.

Needs of every borrower varies, so they uses a secured loan amount as per their need. But most commonly, it is used for either of the purposes such as home improvement, purchasing house, purchasing car, consolidating debts and many more. And, also for each specific purpose a financial market offers different loans such as secured home improvement loans, secured car loan, etc.

Secured loan is best suited to:

If you have stable income

If you are able to justify all your repayments

You are a homeowner

Another advantage which a secured loan offers is that whether you are good credit scorer or bad credit scorer still you can avail secured loans. It is true that poor credit scorer can avail but lender offers them a bit high rate of interest. Through secured loan you can improve your credit score by making timely payments. And, then improved credit score will help you to procure funds in future and on same rate as offered to the good credit scorer.

Aldrich Chappel has been associated with GetSecuredLoans, since its inception. Having completed his Masters in Finance from Lancaster University Management School, he undertook to provide useful advice through his articles that have been found very useful by the residents of the UK. To find Secured loan, Secured consolidation loan, Low cost secured loan, Online secured loan, Homeowner loan personal secured visit Blog85265
Carly Blog38861

Wedding Insurance - Say "I Do"

Many brides ask whether or not they should purchase wedding insurance. In my opinion the answer should be an unequivocal "Yes." According to the average cost of a wedding today is more than $26,000. That's more than some people pay for a car, and you wouldn't think of not insuring your brand new car, would you? It just makes sense, then, to purchase a wedding insurance policy that will cover many of your wedding costs if you need to postpone or cancel the ceremony and reception. This type of wedding insurance is crucial especially if your cost of rescheduling the wedding will be very high.

Many couples overlook wedding insurance when planning a wedding because they don't believe they will need it. After all, there is nothing romantic or exciting about wedding insurance and what could possibly go wrong. If you were to ask couples who had their wedding and reception planned in New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina hit, what advice do you think they would give you. Now a hurricane is an extreme weather condition, but wedding insurance provides coverage for just such a weather event. Wedding insurance, however, will not cover postponement of your wedding due to a rainy day.

Once you've selected your vendors and submitted your deposits, you have made a serious investment. Wedding insurance protects your investment throughtout the planning process, and the event itself. Consider these events that are covered in your wedding insurance policy.

*the caterer or your reception venue closes down unexpectedly before your wedding
*your wedding photographs are damaged or lost
*a family or wedding party member is injured or becomes ill or dies
*lost or stolen wedding rings*
*your wedding attire (if your dress is damaged or fails to arrive)

Sorry kids, you're out of luck if either of you gets cold feet. Changing your mind at the last minute is not covered by wedding insurance.

Just like any other type of insurance, you can purchase wedding insurance in a number of different policies. When compared to the cost of the event itself, wedding insurance is relatively inexpensive and as important to your special day as your bridal gown, cake and flowers. Whether you are having a destination wedding or a large wedding in your home town it is a good idea to purchase insurance for your wedding and a small price to pay for peace of mind.

Sheilah Marshall is a wedding planner/decorator and webmaster. For wedding supplies and more wedding related advice visit us at Catlaina Blog66198
Anthe Blog20513

Drink Your Way To Good Health

If you really want to have great health, you can drink your way to it. Water is the substance of life. The majority of people on earth are dehydrated, and they don't even realize it. In fact, nutritionists report that about 80% of the people on earth are dehydrated. Before you assume that you are not in that group, because you don't feel thirsty, you need to realize that thirst really has nothing to do with dehydration.

You may also believe that you get enough water because you drink beverages that have water as an ingredient, such as coffee, tea, and sodas. Even though these beverages are made with water, when they are ingested, they actually cause us to lose water! You don't need other beverages - what you need is water. Those other beverages should be a once-in-a-while thing, not a daily thing!

Even though we can't survive under water, we are water oriented. 70% of the earth is covered by water, and two-thirds of our bodies consist of water. Approximately 83% of our blood is water, 75% of our muscles are water, 22% of our bones are water, and 74% of our brains are water. Our brains even float around in water!

With these percentages, it should be obvious as to why we require water to live. The water in our bodies is lost every minute of every day - through sweat, tears, and urination - and simply through our pores. You are losing water right now, at this very moment, and it needs to be replaced.

If you increase your water intake to eight glasses per day, in about a week's time, you will notice that you have more energy, your mind is clearer, your skin is healthier, and your food digests easier. Water will help you lose weight, remove toxins from your body, and help you absorb nutrients and vitamins.

Not just any water will do, however. You should avoid drinking tap water. Go with bottled water that has been purified or better yet, choose bottled spring water that is all natural. Tap water generally is full of toxins that you don't want in your body.

Furthermore, aside from your daily eight glasses of water, you should drink one glass of water for every cup of coffee or tea you have, as well as for every soda, and one glass of water for every cigarette you smoke - if you do smoke, and one glass of water for every glass of an alcoholic drink that you have. If you have unhealthy habits, you may find yourself drinking a great deal of water each day to combat the ill effects of those unhealthy habits!

Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is currently working with the staff at He has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other health related fields. For more health-related articles or 2 FREE bottles of Liquid Vitamins see their website at: http://www.pillfreevitamins.comArlie Blog35222
Cammie Blog69726

Controversy over Manhunt 2

Controversy over Manhunt 2 spreads as Britain and Ireland have already censored the computer video game; and sales in the US look to be put on hold or restricted all together.

In New Your video game publisher Take-Two announced on Tuesday June 19th that it was temporarily suspending the release of the ultra violent computer video game "Manhunt 2" because of the ongoing rating issues faced in the United States and the the ban in Britain and Ireland.

Take-Two said int a statement that it need time to "reviews its options" but would "continue to stand behind this extraordinary game."

"We believe in freedom of creative expression, as well as responsible marketing, both of which are essential to our business of making great entertainment," Take-Tow explained.

The computer video game "Manhunt 2" had been scheduled for release on July 10th in the Untied States for both the Nintendo Wii and Playstation 2.

However critics are concerned with games' content, "which depicts escape of an amnesiac scientist and a psychotic killer from an asylum and their subsequent killing spree. In the Wii version, the consoles motion-sensitive remote is waved around to control a virtual murder weapon."

There is still skepticism on whether violent video games lead to violent behavior, but many big retailers, such as Wal-Mart, which accounts for 25 percent of U.S. computer video game sales, refuse to carry "Adults Only" titles.

This suspension was a setback for creator of Roskstar games, which came under fire for the popular "Grand Theft Auto" series of urban crime games, with Take-Tow earlier this year "underwent a shareholder coup that ousted its chief executive and nearly all of its board."

Take-Two has done very well for itself with last year revenues just over $1 billion, and with Manhunt 2 it is expected to generate around $40 million according to analysts, which suspension or setback can hurt Take-Two sales.

For Take-Two new management its goals are to rein in the creative talent and tell the video game industry that they are in the business of making money and to make games that sell not game that are artistically beautiful but not available at Wal-Mart. Agreed, if Take-Two or Rockstar or whatever company creates game that may look great but are to violent or have too much sexual content to be put on the selfs at Wal-Mart that need to reconsider how they create their games. For more article like this one please go to

Kirk Jensen, owner of:Bunny Blog2424
Brigid Blog27601

What Will Body Toning and Sculpting Do for Me?

Magazines and other fitness sources tout the benefits of body toning and sculpting for your figure. According to the headlines, you can shrink your body in a short amount of time, lose the excess weight that you have, and create a new figure. But are these promises just too good to be true? The good news is that body toning and sculpting can do all of this and more. Here's what you'll want to know in order to add this exercise to your life.

The first thing that people turn to body toning and sculpting for is that physical benefits. When you're performing body sculpting and toning exercises, you can increase your muscle tone, which looks attractive. When used in conjunction with an aerobic fitness plan, you will see these results all the more quickly as you will be burning more calories in doing so. Body sculpting workouts can not, however, take the place of a good diet or regular activity. It takes a comprehensive approach to your health in order to see the full physical benefits. Performing body toning and sculpting exercises every other day will provide the greatest results.

The reason why body toning and sculpting can help you slim down is its ability to increase your metabolism. When you add muscle to your body, you add more calorie burning power. While this can sound like an excuse to eat whatever you want, that's not the case. You will be able to eat more, but if you're looking to lose weight, you still need to create a calorie deficit for each day meaning you have to burn off more than you eat. Over time and body sculpting workouts, you will find that it's easier to keep your lost weight off, but when you're just beginning to slim down, you need to remember that your diet does matter, even if your metabolism is speeding up.

What the magazines don't tell you about body toning and sculpting is that you're also strengthening your bones as you gain muscle. As women age, for example, their bones can become weaker. To help bolster their bones, resistance training like body sculpting is recommended by many researchers and other health experts. Men can reap some of these same benefits, though they're not necessarily predisposed to bone loss as women are. Other health benefits include increased energy, increased resistance to disease, and lowered risk of injury during activity.

While you might start a body toning and sculpting program to help you slim down or buff up, it's the health benefits that you gain along the way that should keep you coming back for more.

Machelle Lee owns and operates, The Invisible Gym in Santa Cruz, CA. Her mission is to inspire people to become physically active and enjoy the benefits of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. For more information and questions you can visit her website. Blog83487
Ann Marie Blog93443

Web Languages: PHP vs. ASP.NET

While the average web developer has a lot of options these days. It's really more of a bi-partisan system between ASP.NET and PHP, the rest being just independents. The battle rages between the supporters of the two languages, with no clear winner every coming out. While both can be used to complete the same project, it really depends on what you're looking for: price, speed, security, etc.


If you program in ASP.NET you'll typically get too responses from the other side. Either you're rich (or your company is) or you're a Microsoft lover. While the name comes from Microsoft's old ASP technology, they made a huge leap with the .NET Framework, and the CLR allows you to use other languages for back end processing: typically Visual Basic.NET or C#.

ASP.NET's strength lies in object oriented features, and it's flexibility. Because of the CLR you can have C# programmers and VB.NET programmers working on the same project, or switch languages half way through and not have to rewrite all of your old classes. The .NET class library is organized into inheritable classes based around particular tasks, such as working with XML or image manipulation, so a lot of the more common tasks have been already handled for you.

Visual Studio .NET is a massive development IDE that (as long as your computer is fast enough) will shave tons of time of your coding. It has built in debugging along with IntelliSense, which allows for auto-completion of methods and variables so you don't have to memorize everything.

On the down side, ASP.NET is expensive. One it uses tons more resources on the web server so you'll require either better server or more servers in the farm. Windows 2003 and Visual Studio .NET are pretty tough on the pocket book as well. It's extremely rare for an ASP.NET app not to be running on IIS. And if you pay attention to any of the bug reports, you'll notice that Windows and IIS have had a bit of a history with vulnerabilities being exploited.


PHP works in combination of HTML to display dynamic elements on the page. PHP only parses code within its delimiters, such as . Anything outside its delimiters is sent directly to the output and not parsed by PHP.

PHP strength lies mostly in LAMP. The LAMP architecture has become popular in the Web industry as a way of deploying inexpensive, reliable, scalable, secure web applications. PHP is commonly used as the P in this bundle alongside Linux, Apache and MySQL. PHP can be used with a large number of relational database management systems, runs on all of the most popular web servers and is available for many different operating systems. This flexibility means that PHP has a wide installation base across the Internet; over 18 million Internet domains are currently hosted on servers with PHP installed.

With PHP 5 finally came exception handling and true OOP, but it still lack namespacing to prevent class naming collisions. PHP's type checking is very loose, potentially causing problems. Another drawback is that variables in PHP are not really considered to have a type. Finally, for some reason big corporations feel that if they're not paying for something, then it's not worth buying. If that's you're company's mentality, they just need to wake up and check out all the awesome free software that's out there.

So Which Is Better?

We'll I have my opinions and you may have yours as well. But in general, PHP is cheap, secure, fast, and reliable, while ASP.NET has quicker development time and is easier due to its class library system can probably be maintained more easily. Both are great languages, and it's up to you to make the decision.

Kevin Jordan is a software engineer and the creator of Scratch Projects. A web site dedicated to teaching others to program through actual programming projects instead of just giving away code snippets.Alena Blog78898
Astrix Blog50079

Liverpool Hotels Review

The hotel market in Liverpool, European Capital of Culture 2008 has come a long way over the past decade. The number of bedrooms in the city has doubled since 1999, and the standard of accommodation has improved considerably.

Many of the cities established properties have been extensively refurbished including the Great George Hotel which was acquired by Centre Island Hotels in 2000 and is now the Holiday inn Liverpool City Centre, and the famous Britannia Adelphi Hotel which is presently undergoing a multimillion pound refurbishment which will see the existing property completely refurbished and the addition of a new conference and banqueting suite with capacity for up to 800 delegates.

In addition to this there has been a raft of new openings in the city across all market sectors, including the Marriott Liverpool City Centre, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Radisson SAS Hotel, Express by Holiday Inn Liverpool Albert Dock, and most recently the Hope Street and Malmaison Hotels in the city centre.

In addition to this, Liverpool John Lennon Airport has seen two new openings in the form of the Marriott Liverpool South which is located in the old airport building and the Express By Holiday Inn Liverpool John Lennon Airport which is located en route to the new airport terminal.

Hotel room rates and occupancy in the city have grown steadily over the previous five years, with hotels in Liverpool now experiencing a Revpar in excess 67.00 across all market segments, with much higher averages been recorded at the top end of the market. Occupancy has also grown steadily and is now in excess of 70%.

2007 will see the launch of a number of exciting new hotel projects in the city, including proposals to build the cities first five star hotel at Princes Dock, and the launch of the much awaited Beatles themed Hard Days Night Hotel. More exciting launches are planned for 2008 and beyond, with global operators including Jurys Doyle, Thistle and Guoman, and BDL Staybridge all currently working on projects in the city.

What is for sure is that the hotel market in Liverpool is constantly evolving into an ever more challenging and rewarding environment for the cities operators, from large chains to independent operators, all of whom are working hard to successfully maintain and develop their market share.

To view an extensive range of the hotels now available in Liverpool please visit Liverpool Hotels at

Conor O'Donovan is a hotel consultant who has worked extensively with hotels in Ireland and the UK over the past seven years, speciaising primarily in helping them develop their sales, marketing, and reservations processes.Brynn Blog43851
Angelina Blog20379

The Connection Between Fitness and Singles

What's the connection between dating and singles? It seems like gyms are often popular places to meet people, and fitness singles sites are cropping up to satisfy the needs and wants of online daters looking for partners to workout with and romance at the same time. Is there a significant connection between the fitness industry and single life?

One possible explanation for the connections made between fellow gym-goers is the desire to find like minded people who enjoy active lifestyles and staying in shape. Certainly, a part of this is a greater appreciation in general for people who are physically fit. While this is a broad generalization, it may be safe to assume that most people who want to keep themselves in shape also want that from their partner. For this reason, gyms attract like minded people, with similar lifestyles. Also, as has been proven by several psychological studies, similarity and proximity increase the likelihood of attraction. Therefore, if two people run into each other on a regular basis, and see each other participating in activities they both enjoy, the chances of meeting and making a connection are more likely.

Another psychological explanation may come from biological and neurological studies. Chemicals released into the brain during exercise are often associated with feelings of euphoria. These feelings are commonly seen as responsible for a 'runners high' that many consistent exercisers experience. As these feelings of euphoria are experienced, people are conditioned to associate those positive feelings with other stimulus that surround them. Like Pavlov's Classically conditioned dogs, a person who see something (like another attractive person) while experiencing a positive emotion (a runners high) begin associating these two things together. Eventually, people begin attributing their positive feelings to that person (he/she makes me feel good). As a result, many singles who are heavily into the fitness lifestyle, and regularly visit the gym, may begin to pair their positive feelings with other fit singles they see at their gym.

While these explanations may only be a part of the reason why singles and fitness are frequently paired together, ultimately, there is some sort of connection between the two. Whether these stem from psychological reasons or the desire to seek out other physically attractive or fit people, fitness and singles are frequently paired, and with good reason.

Joe Davidson provides kisscafe with interesting articles about Online dating.Ariana Blog21607
Celestyn Blog4729

Registering Domain Names and Hosting

There are currently over 70 million registered Internet domain names across the globe according to Web Host Industry Review.

Jim Croce's famous song "I got A Name" may one day need to be changed to "I got a Cheap Domain Name" if current Internet growth rates remain the same. Today there are over 70 million registered Internet domain names across the globe.

While more and more businesses are taking advantage of the innovation and power offered by the Internet by registering domain names, an equal number of individual users are registering domain names as well. In fact, with the Internet becoming such an ubiquitous part of everyday life and commerce, one can imagine a day when every individual and every corporation will have domain names and hosting just as they do a social security number or corporate tax ID.

Cheap Domain name registration is on the rise as a result of the growing online community and more affordable domain names and hosting, and online services marketed and offered by companies such as the World's Largest Registrar - According to the most recent Verisign reports, 8.5 million new domains registered were registered in the 3rd quarter of 2005, a 33% increase from 3rd quarter 2004 and a 94% increase from 3rd quarter 2003. Internet use worldwide reached the landmark number of 1 billion users in the 3rd quarter of 2005.

While some may have the perception that all the good cheap domain names are gone, the reality is that what we are seeing today is only the frost on the tip of the iceberg. It's still very much a buyer's market as far as online real estate goes. Years from now, those who have purchased and registered cheap domain names today - whether for business or personal use -- will look back at this time period as a golden opportunity to acquire the cheapest domain names of their choice and put their e-stake in the ground.

Part of the growth in cheap domain names is being fueled by small businesses such as an independent local grocer or dry cleaner that, by effectively establishing a presence on the Internet today, are building a foundation for their future while expanding their business reach and competing as never before. Companies like, who provide the full spectrum of cheap domain names and hosting services, enable small businesses to establish a powerful site quickly and more affordably than ever.

ICANN, now performing the functions of previously U.S. government contracted entities, is responsible for Internet Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier assignment, generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) Top-Level Domain name system management, and root server system management functions.

Recently, the World's Largest Registrar - announced that it, too, had been named a Gold Certified member of the Microsoft Partner Program. Go Daddy provides a range of Microsoft-based hosting solutions, including three different shared hosting plans and several options for dedicated and virtual servers.

Sinta Makah is a Full Time Adsense Publisher and She Makes her living from Adsense. She is passionate about sharing her Adsense Knowledge and about generating online income:Catlaina Blog50059
Anne Blog97788

How to Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards

Been sucked in to the lure of a rewards credit card only to get burned in the end by high interest rates and a less than stellar return when it came time to cash in those points? Youre not alone.

For credit card companies, acquiring customers is big business, and most cards today offer some kind of incentive for running up the charges on your plastic. If youre not careful, and use your card at will just to collect a few measly points, you could get stung. But by following a few simple rules, you can turn the tables on the credit cards companies and use that rewards card to your advantage.

What to choose?

Most likely, your mailbox is full of pre-approved offers for new and exciting credit cards. In fact, in 2005 over 6 billion unsolicited credit card applications were mailed. The average person received approximately 72 offers. If youre in the market for a new card, its important to weigh your options carefully. Most credit cards today offer some kind of rewards, but which one is right for you?

Take a look at your lifestyle and spending habits. Would you benefit from a points-based rewards card, an air mileage card, or one that offers cash back on purchases? Points-based cards usually give you one point for every dollar charged. When you accumulate enough, the credit card company will usually have a shopping portal set up, where you can redeem your points on a variety of products (e.g., electronics, gas cards, travel, etc.).

Problem is, most items in the catalogue are ludicrously overpriced, though its better than nothing. Air mileage cards offer great benefits to the frequent flier, but in todays airline industry, whos to say how much fees will be raised by the time youre ready to redeem? With cash back cards, theres most likely a set amount youll need to charge annually before you reap any benefits, so make sure you read the fine print before you sign up.

Take Advantage

Quite simply, offering incentive-laden cards are a way for credit card companies to get you to sign up. Rarely are the rewards worth the interest rates youll pay if you carry a monthly balance. But therein lies the rubpay off your credit card every month and put those rewards to work. Heres how: Charge as much as you can on your rewards card. We know, it goes against everything you were ever taught about using a credit card. Let us explain.

If your collectors allow it, charge every bill you have to your credit card instead of using a debit card or writing a check. Then, pay that balance off immediately to avoid incurring an interest fee. Youll collect big rewards points fast, and itll be just like paying cash. Be disciplined about it though, even one month of letting those charges sit on your card can be a killer when the fee kicks in.

Another idea: instead of having separate credit card accounts for you and your spouse, ask for an increase in your credit limit and a companion card for one account. The more you both swipe the plastic, the quicker youll accumulate rewards points.

Off the beaten path

As rewards cards have become more prevalent, credit card companies have come up with new incentives to make their cards more desirable to consumers. Many cards have a system that provides extra rewards points to customers who shop with certain vendors. Some will even offer coupons where you can save big shopping with certain companies while still earning extra points. It might take a little more effort, but it will certainly rack up the rewards points at a vigorous pace.

Joe Kenny writes for the Card Guide, a UK based credit card comparison site, visit today for some balance transfers and clear your credit card debt today.Adrea Blog59043
Blondy Blog52863

Baby Monitors Give Parents Peace Of Mind

Years ago, parents kept track of their babies by waiting for them to cry out and then checking on them. At one time, it was even advised by the experts not to check in too often, but to stick to a rigid schedule. Times have certainly changed. Now days there are monitors which will let parents listen in to the babys room so they will know if he is awake or asleep. They can also utilize a video monitor to keep the baby in sight while he is in his crib. They can even set up the monitors to spy on the babysitter.

It is no wonder baby monitors are so popular. They are actually quite handy devices. Now a mother can put the baby to sleep in a room upstairs and go about her day downstairs or outside and still be able to listen in on the baby to know when he wakes up or starts to cry.

The baby monitor is a simple device and is inexpensive and has become a common piece of baby equipment just like a changing table and stroller. A baby monitor has a one way speaker that lets parents listen in to their babys room so they can hear all his sounds from anywhere in the house. It definitely gives new parents peace of mind and saves many trips sneaking a peak at the baby to make sure he is still in the crib and okay.

In addition to the audible baby monitor, parents can also choose to install a baby cam. This will allow them to watch video of the sleeping child. They can even set up the baby cam to watch the babysitter take care of their baby, and keep an eye on the cam while at work or anywhere there is a computer connection. Some of the baby cams are so small, the babysitter would have no idea she was being watched.

Another type of alarm will emit a sound when the baby makes a noise. This type of baby monitor is handy if the parents are taking a nap or sleeping at night and are afraid they will not hear the baby cry.

There are even high tech medical alarms for newborn babies that sound an alarm when the baby stops breathing. This type of alarm is used for babies that are at risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or who have had incidences of apnea (cessation of breathing) in the hospital. Apnea is not uncommon in certain medical conditions or if the baby was born very prematurely. An apnea baby monitor is connected to the babys chest and when the movement stops, then the unit will sound an alarm and the parents, or the nurse, simply jiggle the baby until he starts breathing again. Newborn babies would have to remain in the hospital for much longer periods of time if it werent for the availability of apnea monitors.

The baby monitor in all it various styles and applications serves a very useful purpose in monitoring the baby and giving parents peace of mind. Parents of years gone by might just shake their heads at such baby monitoring technology, and advise parents not to worry so much about their sleeping bundle of joy because when he wakes up, he will definitely let everyone in the house know he needs some attention.

Anne Morris is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writing at and Blog80285
Breanne Blog5400

Mp3 Player Purchase Tips

The idea of a having a portable audio player dates back many years ago, when the option then was a fairly big cassette-tape-playing two-speaker audio system. Eventually these devices got smaller and back in the late seventies a hand size cassette-tape audio player was made available. Now as electronics evolved and with the mp3 audio format, one can satisfy his needs for a portable audio device thru the use of mp3 players.

Mp3 players became very popular and it is very common to see people using it while doing many activities such as jogging, commuting to work, traveling, buying groceries, computer related tasks and others.

For those who intend to purchase an mp3 player, one might consider the following tips:

1 - The internal memory size of an mp3 player will determine the amount of mp3 songs the device will be able to hold. Some models may even have an internal hard drive to store songs, however the size and price may go up a little bit and it is not recommend to be used by someone doing intensive physical activities. Also some models may the have the option of flash memory.

2 - The battery life is a very important feature, because it will determine how many hours the mp3 player will function properly. Make sure the mp3 player comes with an AC/DV adapter for quick battery charge.

3 - There a lots of sizes of mp3 players. Features such as a larger screen, video capability, hard drive and others, all add up to a bigger size. And price too!

4 - The way an mp3 player connects to a computer is a also very important feature. Latest model may support high speed USB 2.0 transfer. Some others may even have Firewire support.

5 - Some mp3 players even may accept other audio format besides mp3, such as WMA format. Check the players specification if this feature is going to be used.

6 - Also mp3 players may have other features besides of mp3 playing. Features such as FM tuner and audio recording capability, may be of some interest to some users.

7 - As for the price just make sure the mp3 player you are buying has just the features you are looking for. Why pay more for features you are not going to be using anyway? Mp3 players can be purchased for prices from fifty up to several hundred dollars. Brand name players will cost even more.

Portable mp3 players have become a must have product of desire among the younger population. After all almost everyone has one of them. So if you don have one yet, its about time to keep yourself updated with modern time.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the authors name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias has a bachelor degree in Business Administration and over 20 years experience in systems analysis and computer programming. Currently working as IT consultant for Blog61396
Celia Blog67398

Debt Settlement What About The Income Taxes?

If debt seems to be on your mind quite often in recent months, theres a high probability that youve looked into your options and found that debt settlement is growing in popularity as an alternative to bankruptcy. This is especially true since the new bankruptcy law went into effect back in October 2005. Debt settlement, as you may know, is a process by which creditors agree to accept less than the full balance owed (usually around 50% or less) to settle an account. The remaining balance is then forgiven and no further money is owed.

When a creditor agrees to settle an account for less than the full balance, they are required by the IRS to report the canceled debt on Form 1099, if the amount of the forgiven debt is $600 or greater. The possibility of tax consequences as a result of debt settlement seems to be unsettling to many people, including some consumers and debt counselors. When you look at the larger picture, however, youll better understand why the tax consequences of debt settlement shouldnt even be a major consideration.

When individuals are required to pay taxes on the amount of the canceled debt its because they saved a significant amount of money, right? It seems that it should be common sense to realize that the total amount paid to the creditor, in addition to the taxes would still be much less than what you would end up paying if you were to continue making the minimum monthly payments each month. As a matter of fact, its highly likely that the interest paid to a creditor over a period of years would easily exceed the taxes for which you may be liable as a result of settling your debt.

Theres also a good possibility that you may not be required to pay taxes on your forgiven debt if you can prove that you were insolvent at the time you settled your debt(s). In order to be classified as insolvent you need to have a negative net worth. In other words, you would owe more money than youre actually worth and your liabilities would exceed your assets.

If this is not the case and youre not classified as insolvent at the time of any settlement of debt, then obviously you may owe at least something to the IRS. If this is the case then its important to speak with a tax professional as the April 15 tax deadline nears so that you may get advice regarding your particular situation. If youre not quite sure where you stand regarding the insolvency rule take a look at IRS Publication 908 for additional information.

The bottom line is your bottom line. If youre in debt and considering debt settlement as an option, the possible tax consequences shouldnt play a major role in your decision. Your ultimate goal is to be debt-free. If you do your homework youll see the positive results of resolving your debt will likely outweigh any tax liability which you may have and your bottom line will prove it.

Susan Megge is a consultant in the credit services industry. Over the past several years she has assisted many individuals in resolving their debt-related matters. For more information regarding credit and debt visit http://www.donaldsonwilliams.comCatherina Blog58284
Brana Blog28569

Your Dogs Skin - Something So Simple Yet So Complex

A wrapping of fur is not all there is to your dogs skin. It is also a factory for vitamin D production, it protects the internal parts from injury, bacteria, and viruses, and it contains a sensory system that is unsurpassed. The network of skin nerve cells goes to work when your dog is cold, has a cut, or receives a pat on the heat. In cold weather, the hairs stand erect and form air pockets that insulate against the cold.

Healthy skin and hair coats are flexible, glossy, and free of excessive oiliness, redness, dandruff, scabs, eruptions, or parasites. Run you hand against the hair coat and check for growths or blemishes. There should also be no areas of hair loss. Each dog has its own shedding cycle, which may change from year to year. Some pets shed a small amount all the time, while others lose large clumps at various levels.

Pets can have freckles, concentrations of cells containing the brown pigment called melanin. These can be found anywhere on the skin and even in the mouth. Be sure to check the skins special alterations, the mammary glands, the foot pads, the claws, and whiskers.

Frequently check your dogs paws. The thick, pigmented, tough footpads are excellent shock absorbers. The pads are named for their location. Pets have sweat glands in the footpad area. If your dog gets excited at the veterinarians office, you may see sweaty paw prints on the exam table. Check the spaces between the toes. Since your dog walks barefoot and this is a very moist area, the interdigital area can be easily irritated and infected by briars, stones, foxtail, sand, and salt.

Your dogs whiskers or tactile hairs as some veterinarians refer to them, are long, stiff hairs located on the muzzle, upper eyelids, cheeks, and legs. They are used as feelers and are especially handy for navigation at night or in dark areas. There is a fable belief that a dogs sense of balance will be lessened if the whiskers are cut or shortened, but there is no truth to this at all. If any unusual changes or defects are found on your pet, do not hesitate to take him to the veterinarian, as changes can indicate an internal illness or parasite.

Randy Jones and his partner Brent Jones have been in the pet industry for a long time. Recently they formed On the site, customers can shop for the latest dog collars, dog clothes, pet supplies and more. Check them out at Blog39417
Catlee Blog21808

Special Education Needs Causing Financial Crisis in California Schools

Now, I am all for special education for children with disabilities. I attended school at a time when such children were either put into special schools or thrown in with the general student population to sink or swim on their own. It was a terrible inequity. It finally was addressed in the 1970s with a law designed to correct such discrimination by giving these children the civil right to an equal opportunity to learn. The law covered children from birth to age 22, guaranteeing them the right to a free and appropriate public education. It is the ambiguous word appropriate written into the law that is creating a crisis for the California schools, according to Nanette Asimov, staff writer for the San Francisco Chronicle.

The article cited a situation of one California schools child with a disability. The assigned public middle school offered special college prep classes, daily help from a special education expert, a laptop computer, extra time for tests, the opportunity to temporarily leave class if the childs had an anxiety attack, and a special advocate to smooth over any problems with teachers.

The parents hired a special consultant instead, who found alternative schooling opportunities all were private schools and all were out-of-state. They settled on a boarding school in Maine, outside the main city, that had one-tenth of the enrollment of the California schools. The one thing this school did not offer was a special education program. The mother said that smaller classrooms and a smaller campus were more important than a special education program. Since the possibility of anxiety attacks was mentioned in the article, no one can truly judge the merit of this situation except the childs physician and/or psychologist.

After the child was placed into the private school, the parents then hired an attorney, who specializes in special education cases, to file papers with the court demanding the California schools pay four years of tuition and family travel costs between California and Maine. Tuition was $30,000 annually. The California schools met the demands.

This is only one such case in the California schools, which may or may not have been justified. The problem is that it is not the only case. In 2005, there were 3,763 California schools children with disabilities that were the focus of formal complaints the vast majority of which came from parents. This is triple the number of only ten years ago, and the numbers are growing.

With a cost of almost $40,000 to go to a court hearing and the possibility of an expensive judgment, the California schools attempt to settle cases before they get that far. In 2005, ten percent of the California schools cases went to a full hearing 386 in all. The remaining 90 percent were resolved through confidential settlements. With 700,000 special needs students currently in the California schools and already paying hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for private placements, the school system is headed for a financial crisis.

In 2004, the California schools received $4.1 billion for special education from the government and local sources. It was still not enough to pay these extra settlement costs, and the California schools had to take $1.6 billion from the regular class budget. Twenty-eight percent of the special education expenditures that year came from the regular education budget.

California schools educators complain that parents who are able to afford an attorney are assured more opportunities for their children than those who cannot afford to do so, creating an inequity between the haves and have-nots. Additionally, special education teachers see benefits to special programs, such as horseback riding therapy, but acknowledge that such parent demands are not education related. California schools parents and educators are at odds.

Parents are making tuition payment demands of the California schools for such programs as private day schools, boarding schools, summer camps, horseback riding therapy, and aqua therapy. Additionally, the California schools are expected to pay for computers, airfare, car rental, hotel stays, meals, new clothing and tailoring for the children, cell phone calls, stamps, gas and tolls, and future round-trip visits from time of enrollment until the children graduate from high school.

In all, the California schools are paying billions of dollars each year for private placements and auxiliary costs. It is creating an inequity for children the civil rights law was passed to protect and a financial crisis for the California schools.

I have to admit that I wanted every opportunity possible for my child to live a happy and normal adult life. I had a special needs child and spent many hours sitting in principals offices and at the school board demanding that his needs be met. I was thankful that he received access to the available offerings within the public school system.

In my view, however, it is not a question of right or wrong, justified expenditure or not. It is a question of the legislators going back and specifically defining the word appropriate. Until then, the California schools are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, which means less opportunities all the way around.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Bettine Blog7905
Ardys Blog94507

Listen Your Way To Success - The Direct Sales Recruit Interview

Many top team builders in direct sales companies attribute much of their success to using the recruit interview. Email is a fabulous tool and should be used to the maximum for your business but there is nothing like a meeting or phone call to take your recruiting from just average to super recruiter.

By using the phone or a face to face meeting, your chances of closing your potential new recruit are best if you spend most of your voice to voice time asking questions and really listening and less time telling about your opportunity and spilling your story.

So here are some starter questions you can ask your inquiring potential recruit that will get HER talking more and help you determine what she's looking for and how your direct selling business can help!

1. "Tell me about your family (job, hobbies, education, etc can also be used)?" Again, helps to learn more about your potential recruit's passion areas and history. Plus it's just nice information to know!

2. If your prospect is responding to one of your advertisements ask her something like: "So what was it in our ad that made you decide to call me today?" Or: "What about the ad sparked your interest?" This not only will help you track your advertising but will also begin to explore her needs with regard to business so you can see if your opportunity would be the right one to fill that need.

3. "Tell me what you are looking for in a home business." This is one of the best questions you can ask a prospect right at the beginning because you'll really be able to see how your business might be what she's looking for. Here, however, is where you need to put your listening ears on completely and really hear what she's saying. Listen for clues to help see what her main desire is in a business.

4. "Have you been involved in Direct Sales before? Tell me about that." The nice thing about exploring past Direct Sales history with your prospect is that you can determine what kind of "lingo" is appropriate when it comes time to talk about compensation, downline, overrides, etc. Some of those words are foreign to someone who has never been in direct sales before and you should avoid using them, especially in the first interview.

5. "How much per month are you hoping to earn with a home business? How many hours are you thinking you can spend on a home business?" Asking these specific questions will help you to later show her how with your compensation plan she can meet those income and work hour goals.

After you've shared a brief overview of your company and your 30 second commercial then ask some of the following... (or after you've sent the email/mail packet and during your follow up call)

1. Other than _____(objection)_____ what else might hold you back from getting started right away? Address their specific fears and explore any more that they might have.

2. On a scale from 1-10 how interesting does the Noah's Ark business sound to you? What would it take to get your interest level to a 10? Anything above a 5 means they just need some more info to make their final decision.

3. Is there anything else you think I need to know about you or do you have any other questions about me, our team or the _________ business in general? Make sure your recruit is comfortable with the information she's received and feels confident about the decision she's making at this point.

4. Is there any reason why we couldn't get you signed up today?

Take the extra time to talk voice to voice with your prospect and watch your recruiting numbers soar!

Annette Yen loves what direct sales can do for a woman and her family. Sign up for her free ecourses and find more tools to be successful in your direct sales business at http://www.directsalestools.comAlexia Blog95951
Alison Blog32463

Booming Business: Earning A Health Care Degree Online

Many people question the possibility of earning a health care degree online. There is a stigma that exists around earning this type of degree online instead of being in a physical lab to do the work. Many people believe that health care is a hands on job that requires on the spot training, and cannot be obtained online. This is anything but true, as the boomer generation increasingly becomes more interested and in need of quality health care. The fact is that there are more health care jobs available today than there are people to fill them. The massive boomer population is getting to the age of retirement when their medical needs will surely increase. The already understaffed health care field will become even more in need of health care professionals. Earning a health care degree online is a great idea for anyone who is looking for a rewarding career. The benefits aren't just monetary; they're also rewarding in the fact that you are free to work while earning your degree, and can do it on your own time schedule.

Most people imagine health care degree online programs as being directly associated with becoming a doctor, or nurse; however there are many new health care fields that are also becoming popular. There is a high demand for those that have certification in medical transcription and medical assisting. Both careers have what seems to be an insatiable staffing demand by the health care industry. Those that earn a degree with a specialty in medical transcription will most likely be able to work from home typing up doctors notes and case files. This is something that has even been outsourced to other countries recently because there is not enough graduates to fill the need. With a health care degree in medical transcription one can also assume responsibilities in a hospital or doctor's office helping health care professionals with their day-to-day duties. This is a great way to gain valuable experience, and make a difference in other people's lives.

Concentrating on earning a health care degree online is all it takes to get the process going towards achieving a better career. This is such a certainty that many schools have career services offices with lists of employers that have an immediate need for qualified health care graduates. This is what makes you the most valuable commodity of them all; by allowing yourself to obtain a degree that makes you extremely attractive to those that are looking for health care related staff.

Another wonderful aspect of the health care degree online degree programs is that they offer an opportunity for those that have full time jobs to earn a degree on their own time. This means that you will not be forced to take a drop in your pay by having to take time off to study. You can maintain your current income while earning a degree online. Many students that spend time away from school, and return to continue their education find the most difficult task is to sacrifice their base income and subsequent lifestyle. Online programs allow you to continue working while achieving your degree.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Health Care Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Ailee Blog45711
Ailyn Blog9682

Mastering Time Tables with Fun

When has one ever enjoyed rote memorizing? If you forget just one point or a particular figure the entire thing falls apart. Interesting things never leave our mind and it is more so for children who like to learn the fun way. Pictorial memory is retained better and is definitely more interesting. The Abacus as a tool for mental calculation has been proved by studies to be an effective method of brain development. The benefits of using the abacus to calculate have a bearing not just on this particular area but also on other walks of life too.

Rote Memorization of tables is a very tedious process that the child is obviously apprehensive to it. Learning the tables with the Abacus is a fun way because the retention is better for the child with the pictorial memory. Otherwise if the child forgets just one figure in the time tables then he is sure to get confused about the whole sequence. The Chinese abaci were designed with a special suanpan technique to specially make the multiplication process easier to handle.

According to researchers visual memory is a very crucial aspect of learning. For learning tables with the abacus the children will use both their hands for moving the beads. The synchronizing movement of the hands initiates the cell development in the brain and also utilizing the right part of the brain which is very important to actually master something.

The human brain is divided into two parts the left brain and the right brain. What is used by children most of the times is only the left brain and the right brain which is the actual seat and origin of intelligence is left unutilized. This very important part of the brain integrates whatever information is received and is also responsible for thinking and creative human activities. The learning of time tables through the abacus is one of the many activities that prompts simultaneous activity of the both the parts of the brain.

The use of the abacus is not just a better method for learning time tables over rote memorizing but also the abacus being an attractive tool manages to capture the undivided attention of the child too. It eliminates the phobia attached to tables and makes the processing of numbers a relatively easy activity for them.

Numerical memory and improvement of the spatial arrangement of memory are most enhanced by the use of the Abacus. Apart from that the skill of solving general mathematical problems of the elementary school grade are seen to improve too. The facts stated here are backed by results of tests conducted among children, one group using the Abacus method and the other group without this method. The group using the Abacus method was more efficient naturally as they correlated the calculation with the Abacus image in their minds and were not confused.

So choosing the abacus method for your children will definitely give you the satisfaction of ensuring for them a better future. This will be by making their basics strong right from the beginning. Go ahead get the abacus advantage for your child and recommend it to other people as well so as to pave the way for a sound and confident future for the young generation.

Anu Sindhwani focuses on researching mental math techniques. She writes extensively on mental math nurturing minds for early childhood brain development. For more information can be found at the and Blog56586
Caitlin Blog43751

Meeting Your Family's Health Needs With An HSA

Making sure that your family is able to stay healthy partly depends on having a good health insurance program for them. One of the more recent new additions to the health insurance industry is called the Health Savings Account (HSA). This new program enables you to have reduced insurance rates because of a higher deductible, and a tax deferred savings program with it. Here are some of the features of this program.

Reduced Rates

By getting a health insurance program with a high deductible, you are able to greatly reduce your monthly premiums. This is an especially good way to go, if you are younger and currently have pretty good health. The deductible amounts are pre-determined by the government, and you are required to have deductible amounts between $1,050 and $5,250 for singles, and it needs to be between $2,100 and $10,500 for families.

Savings Are Tax Exempt

One of the great benefits of this type of plan is that, like an IRA, you enjoy tax-free income, and interest on the amounts you have in the program. You can put into the plan money that comes off the top of your taxes. There are limits, though, and for singles it is up to $2,700, and for families it is $5,450. A little extra benefit is that you are able to take off of your taxes any money that is deposited into the account all the way up to April 15th. So, if you are coming up to tax time, and find you need to reduce your taxes some more, you can put it into your HSA, and find the tax break you need.

Better Coverage

The new HSA's have an extra real nice feature - they cover more. Some things that you may not have been covered for under another type of policy, you may find that you are covered for with an HSA. This could actually allow you to get a better coverage for less. Things like dental coverage, therapy, even non-prescription medicines and some alternative treatments may also be covered, and even some mental illness treatments, too.

You Keep Control

Under an HSA, you are the one in control of the money. It is yours to use. You can take money out of the account when you want, but only the money that is used only for medical purposes is tax-exempt. Generally, you will be given a card, like a credit card, that gives you access to the account. Whenever you use money from the account, the insurance company automatically gets a receipt, and it is subtracted from your account, and your deductible - and it remains tax exempt.

Like any other insurance policy, once you have paid the deductible amounts, the rest is up to the insurer to pay. By having the high deductible you reduce the premiums considerably. The savings account can also provide a good hedge for your medical insurance program for the future, too, because any money not used toward the deductible remains your money to use next year, if you need it. On the other hand, the money in your HSA might also be used to provide some money for retirement - assuming you maintain your good health.

Joe Kenny writes for the Personal Loans Store, allowing visitors to compare UK loans and also focuses on personal loans for UK residents.Blanch Blog99555
Brana Blog28569

Online Reading Training For Teachers And Students

Online reading training teaches you how to teach people to read, and it provides resources for helping those people learn to read.

Reading is an essential skill, but illiteracy is commonplace in today's workplace. As many as 30% of Americans are functionally illiterate. They are unable to read and write well enough to complete an employment application or to read an instruction manual. People who cannot read, don't succeed in life.

Teaching reading takes skill. Most states require teachers to take classes in teaching reading. Certification in reading teaching not only improves your ability to do your job well, but it also improves your career status. Online reading training helps you get the knowledge and certification you need without interrupting your career.

If you are currently teaching, taking online reading training classes gives you the opportunity to use what you are learning immediately, in a real world environment. At the same time, you have access to instructors who can answer your questions and mentor you as you learn to be a better reading teacher.

If you are considering completing your Masters Degree, you can get an M.Ed. in reading education. You can complete the classes online through several respected universities.


Workplace trainers can also take online reading training to learn how to improve literacy in the workplace. Not only are many Americans functionally illiterate, but also the average worker who does read, reads at a 4th-6th-grade level. Poor reading skills impair their job performances. Teaching reading has a definite place in workplace training.


You can use online reading training to help your students, too. There are interactive reading programs that help people practice their reading skills. Online reading training is especially effective in helping non-English speaking students learn to read English. The courses are designed to help ESL students build their comprehension of written English.

People who can read have more opportunities that those who do not. They can get better jobs, pursue higher education, participate in more activities. Reading improves their employment potential, and it enriches their lives. Teaching someone to read opens up the world for that person. It's a rewarding endeavor, and online classes can help you learn how to do it.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best online education providers and courses including online dive classes, to suit your needs.Alli Blog67371
Bertha Blog6383

Multiplicity of Debt Consolidation Program is a Boon

Debt consolidation program are especially meant for people who are facing debt problems. And debt problems are of nature which once starts growing; it becomes very difficult to stop them. But as well said iron cuts an iron in the same manner a debt is used to finish the debts of a person. The financial market termed the way of handling debts as debt consolidation program.

Debt consolidation program provides different ways to manage debts. Today various financial companies provides debt consolidation program as per the problem of person. Generally these companies have panel of credit experts who listens to the problem of person and evaluate it. And finally suggest a way to come out of debt problem.

Choosing an appropriate Debt consolidation program is very crucial decision as single wrong decision can worst up your credit situation.

Debt consolidation program is also considered as quickest and cheap mode to manage debts. On availing debt consolidation program the person can reduce his monthly outgoing of money. As the lender of the debt consolidation program combines all the debts of a person and let him pay single monthly installment. In other words it let the person deal with the single lender rather than dealing with number of creditors. It also leads to reduction in the rate of interest. In debt consolidation program the lender negotiates with the creditors of the borrower to reduce the amount of debts. The principal amount of debt is not reduced rather the reduction lies in the various other cost of the loan and even waiving penalties of loan if any.

Usually there are several other ways to eliminate the debts such as IVAs, r bankruptcy. But they are considered as bad credit for a person. So, it is always advisable that the person should avoid such mode. On the other hand, availing debt consolidation program adds to the credit report of a person if timely payments of installments are made to the lender.

Other ways of managing debts which forms a part of debt consolidation program are debt consolidation loan, mortgage or remortgage etc. The functions performed by these are same that is handling debts. But, the person avail it as per his needs because loan may be better suited to person than mortgage and vice versa. This is the reason that why the person is suggested to consult a credit advisor before availing any debt consolidation program.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She works for the UK Debt Consolidations. To find Debt consolidation program, business debt management, loans, unsecured debt consolidation loans, secured loans that best suits your needs visit Blog77277
Amitie Blog50477

Skin Changes During Menopause

During the course of the natural menopause process, many women notice surprising changes in the texture and appearance of their skin. Most women begin noticing a generalalized all-over drying of the skin. They also start to notice wrinkles forming where the skin has begun drying.

It is common to turn to estrogen based hormone replacement therapy to treat these and other menopause-related skin problems. The side effects from this type of therapy, though, can lead to further problems. If a cream form of estrogen is used on the affected areas, it can act as a moisturizing agent. However, this cream is unavailable n the United States so most doctors are unable to prescribe it. Progesterone cream has also been successful as a moisturizer, but most doctors believe the side effects outweigh any benefits of prescribing it to their patients. However, there are a number of anti-aging, non-prescription creams that are gaining popularity, and most of them are very effective. It is helpful to keep in mind though, that aging skin is a part of growing older. To some degree, accepting it instead of fighting it may help you retain abetter overall self-image. If you do attempt to use something like estrogen cream, you may have to live with side effects such as general weight gain or darkening skin.

If your skin loses its tone or the wrinkles appear rapidly, it may be an indication of collagen loss. This can result in more serious problems, like collagen loss in the bones. This may indicative of osteoporosis. If you suspect that this is the case, you should consult your physician immediately.

As your skin ages during menopause, you are more prone to developing broken capillaries or spider veins that are visible to the naked eye. One of the best available means to prevent these is full body moisturization. You can begin by increasing your daily regular water consumption. It is also beneficial to supplement your diet with raw flaxseed oil. It can be added to vegetables or salad. Using herbal liposome-containing skin products can also help moisturize your skin. Liposomes transport moisture to the cells below the epidermal layer. This can protect and benefit your overall skin tone.

There are a number of other available products that may moisturize your skin during menopause. Apricot kernel oil, Cocoa butter, olive oil, and almond oil have all been proven to be quite helpful at hydrating the skin. Alpha hydroxy acids naturally rejuvenates the skin by exfoliating it. Check the product labels on these products, to ensure that concentrations contain at least eight percent alpha hydroxy acid. Fruit acids are also effective to promote skin rejuvenation. Two popular examples are papaya and strawberry pastes.

Learn to live with your post-menopausal skin. Take care of it and protect it by remaining out of the sun and applying daily sun screen. Use only products that you know to be effective on your skin. Always consult your doctor or healer when you have concerns or are trying something new.

Mary Brown writes for several online magazines, such as and Blog8478
Brittne Blog73718

Things to Consider when Choosing Your Vertical Blinds

Choosing vertical blinds or other window treatments can bring any home dcor or DIY project to a screeching halt. The amount of choice available today with all of the different colors and fabrics can boggle the mind. Sometimes a decision on which vertical blind is best may seem next to impossible to make. The good news is that there are four basic principals to consider when choosing your vertical blinds. If your stick with these then you will stand a good chance of getting the best vertical blind for you.

When we choose a vertical blind one of the key elements is privacy. Some rooms will require more privacy than others. Bedrooms and bathrooms generally require a high degree of privacy, while kitchens and living rooms will demand slightly less. Your vertical blinds need to reflect this. It doesnt matter how great that vertical blind may look in your bathroom, youre going to undergo some very embarrassing moments if they do not block out what you wish.

Light control is another essential element when you are choosing a vertical blind. You will likely want varying degrees of light control in certain rooms. You will also want more control during certain times of the day and less control in others. For your living rooms, light control is essential. The rays of the sun can seriously damage furniture and upholstery. They can also make reading and watching television quite difficult. You again need to consider the degree of light control needed when selecting your vertical blinds.

Function is another thing to consider when selecting your vertical blind. You need to think of things like safety. If you have children should you have cords? How will you reach hard to reach areas? Can you operate these vertical blinds manually or do you need them done by remote control? The function ability is vitally important if you going to be safe and happy with your vertical blinds.

Finally, there is style. You, of course, want the blind to look good in your home. They should be something that accents your good taste and dcor, not something that clashes with it. When choosing your vertical blind keep these four things in mind. You will no doubt come up with something great that ticks all the boxes. Vertical blinds are available in high quality materials from several suppliers on the internet, but beware to not select low quality simply to save money.

Judith PersitAlthea Blog75833
Alison Blog24197

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